App Development
3D Production
Fine Art & Design

Grafika66 - The Galleries
Unreal Engine App
Grafika66 – The Galleries is an Unreal Engine app coming soon for PC.
Created to showcase my fine art and design work, presented in a freely explorable virtual gallery environment created in the Unreal Engine.
The app features 10 galleries, most of which are grouped into collections and sets of work. The art is displayed as framed prints, canvases, and on emissive light panels that run through preset slideshows. Skate decks are also featured on the walls throughout.
For notification when the app is available for download, join the mailing list here.

Gallery Entrance
This room serves as the starting location for the galleries.
The room is minimal in design; its main purpose being to act as an introduction for the user.
The walls display information that introduces the user to the controllers supported, and the various hotkeys available.
Also included is a little introduction to the app, explanations of the main features available such as a map and teleport system, and where they may find further information and related links to the artist’s work.

Gallery 10
The final gallery in the collection showcases the various logo and insignia designs that have been used throughout the years.
The earliest dates back to the original Grafika66 inception in 2005, and runs up to the latest g66 Skull insignia from 2023.