Destination Concepts

Navigation UI

Conceptual work depicting navigation within a 3D interactive map; experimenting with a variety of render styles and post production techniques.

Created for HERE technologies –  part of Audi, BMW, and Mercedez-Benz Group, who also provided the 3D map data used.

Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI

Map Selection Concepts

Navigation UI

A series of conceptual explorations, experimenting with different render treatments.

This set concentrated more on the types of display modes/switches available, such as buildings vs. routes vs. display modes, etc.

Thought was also given to how highlighted areas might be occluded by the surrounding environment, with explorations into solid and x-ray occlusion methods.

Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI

Navigation Styling Concepts

Navigation UI

Utilizing 3D city data provided by HERE, the concepts here explore different navigational styles for 3D maps.

Tasked with exploring render treatments; render passes were used extensively for fast iterations and flexible adjustments post-render.

Related explorations included: heat-maps, highlighting specific landmarks, and representing navigational cues along a predefined route.

Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI
Navigation UI

City Styling Concepts

Navigation UI

A set of 3 conceptuals exploring different styling for a zoomed-out region of a city.

3D city data was provided by HERE, which was imported into Maya and processed further, making extensive use of render layers in the set-up.

Renders were broken down into several render passes so that full control was available in post when trying different looks.

Navigation UI
Navigation UI